EESA at AGU '19
Scientists from the EESA at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory will be involved in hundreds of presentations and invited talks at the American Geophysical Union's 2019 Fall Meeting, Monday, Dec. 9 through Friday, Dec. 13 in San Francisco. Visit us in the Exhibit Hall at Booth #1622 to talk with us about our work.
What to Expect

Experts representing the Climate and Ecosystem Sciences and Energy Geosciences Divisions at Berkeley Lab are proud to join colleagues engaged in hydrology, biogeosciences, geophysics and geology, ocean and atmospheric sciences, and global environmental change at the world's largest meeting of Earth and space scientists. EESA scientists are working to discover the scientific underpinnings important for sustaining healthy soil and clean water, sequestering atmospheric carbon, using subsurface resources responsibly, and developing strategies for resilience in a changing world. At the AGU Fall Meeting, they will be presenting their research during hundreds of presentations and will be on-hand at Booth 1622 in the Exhibitor Hall to talk about our work. Check out our booth session schedule and EESA at AGU Fact Sheets to get to know us.

Wildfires have become more frequent and destructive with hotter, drier weather and earlier snowmelt due to climate change. EESA researchers are investigating how large and more intense wildfires affect our water, forests, and more.
Earth's Microbiome
Microbes are the most abundant and diverse life form on Earth. Better information about how their interactions influence ecosystem functioning can help scientists respond to various energy and environmental challenges.
AI for Earth
Artificial intelligence and machine learning can help support the preservation of Earth’s water and energy resources by improving understanding of the interconnectedness of the atmosphere, ecosystems, and deep subsurface.
As much as 90 percent of the world’s water starts in mountainous watersheds where interactions between soil, plants, nutrients, and streams are being reshaped by environmental changes that can affect downstream water quality and availability.
Scientists measure carbon, energy, and water fluxes under changing environmental conditions to assess the ability of ecosystems to sequester carbon. AmeriFlux connects research into carbon, energy, and water flux at 450+ sites across the Americas.

Geologic formations across the U.S. provide hydrocarbon and geothermal energy reserves. EESA researchers are working to understand how modern uses of geologic systems can be performed safely and sustainably.
Carbon Sequestration
Geologic formations have the potential to store carbon on a massive scale, thereby reducing or preventing the future release of large quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Water Hub
Headquartered at Berkeley Lab, the National Alliance for Water Innovation was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to lead an Energy-Water Desalination Hub that will address water security issues in the U.S.
NGEE Tropics
As forests become more susceptible to extreme events and land degradation, slower tree growth, higher tree mortality, and less biodiversity will alter forest carbon balance, increase atmospheric CO2, and change global precipitation patterns.
Critical Infrastructure
A rise in the rate of extreme events such as wildfires or hurricanes demands that we develop innovative methods for optimizing and managing the performance of our nation's bridges, tunnels, power plants, and dams.
Geothermal Energy
Scientists are studying the process of extracting heat from rocks deep in the Earth’s subsurface for use as clean energy. EESA researchers are developing innovative technologies for identifying and characterizing these geothermal systems.
Advanced Sensing
The urgent need for sustainable solutions to our energy and environmental challenges calls for new understanding of the integrated Earth system. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are essential in this effort.

AGU News

Carl Steefel Named 2019 American Geophysical Union Fellow
August, 14, 2019

Every year, the AGU Fellows program recognizes members who have made exceptional contributions to the Earth and Space sciences. Vetted by a committee of AGU Fellows, honorees represent no more than 0.1 percent of AGU’s 60,000 members.

Bill Collins Named 2019 Tyndall History of Global Environmental Change Lecturer by AGU
July, 31, 2019

The Tyndall History of Global Environmental Change Lecture honors the life and work of physicist, John Tyndall. Tyndall’s measurements in the late 1850s and early 1860s verified the importance of the greenhouse effect that had been proposed by Fourier in 1824.

Dan Stolper To Receive Hisashi Kuno Award at AGU
August, 14, 2019

EESA Faculty Scientist Daniel Stolper will receive the 2019 Hisashi Kuno Award from the AGU at its Fall Meeting in San Francisco. The Kuno award recognizes outstanding contributions to the fields of volcanology, geochemistry, or petrology. Stolper is faculty at the University of California, Berkeley.